My Bucket List

My Bucket List

as of 02/19/2022

Activities (generic)

  1. Spelunking
  2. Snorkeling
  3. Snowboarding
  4. Skiing
  5. Hang gliding
  6. Parasailing
  7. Zorbing
  8. Mountain climbing

Cities I want to visit

  1. Tokyo
  2. Rome
  3. Sicily
  4. Prague
  5. Barcelona
  6. Dublin
  7. Glasgow
  8. London
  9. Milan
  10. Venice
  11. Shanghai
  12. Paris
  13. Warsaw
  14. San Francisco
  15. Portland
  16. Santa Fe
  17. Orlando
  18. Kathmandu

Things I want to see

  1. Statue of Liberty
  2. Golden Gate Bridge
  3. Mt. Rushmore
  4. Niagara Falls
  5. Disney World
  6. Universal Studios
  7. ALL Starbucks roasteries
  8. Sloth sanctuary
  9. Komodo National Park
  10. Ao Island (Japanese island of cats)

Foods I want to try

  1. Squid
  2. Escargot
  3. Sushi (in Japan)
  4. Baguette (in France)
  5. Spaghetti (in Italy)
  6. Yak butter tea (in Nepal)

Things I want to own

  1. Archery bow
  2. Parkour gym
  3. Archery range
  4. Sports car
  5. A 2nd kitty

Things I want to be

  1. Under 200 pounds
  2. Full-time front-end developer
  3. Free of credit card debt
  4. Free of student loan debt
  5. Able to do 10 muscle-ups with good form
  6. Able to run a 6-minute mile